qwikstart.utils.filesystem module

class qwikstart.utils.filesystem.FileTreeGenerator(source_dir: pathlib.Path, target_dir: pathlib.Path, renderer: qwikstart.utils.templates.TemplateRenderer, ignore_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Bases: object

copy() → None
qwikstart.utils.filesystem.fnmatches_to_regex(patterns: Optional[Iterable[str]], case_insensitive: bool = False, flags: int = 0) → Pattern[str]

Return a compiled regex Convert fnmatch patterns to that matches any of them.

Slashes are always converted to match either slash or backslash, for Windows support, even when running elsewhere.


partial – If True, then the pattern will match if the target string starts with the pattern. Otherwise, it must match the entire string.

Adapted from coveragepy’s fnmatches_to_regex. See https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/coverage/files.py

qwikstart.utils.filesystem.join_regex(regexes: Iterable[str]) → str

Combine a list of regexes into one that matches any of them.