qwikstart.base_context module

class qwikstart.base_context.BaseContext(execution_context:qwikstart.base_context.ExecutionContext)

Bases: object

execution_context: ExecutionContext = None
classmethod from_dict(field_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) → TContext

Return instance of context, ignoring unknown keys in field_dict.

Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/55096964/260303.

classmethod help(field_name: str) → Optional[str]
class qwikstart.base_context.ExecutionContext(source_dir:pathlib.Path, target_dir:pathlib.Path, dry_run:bool=False)

Bases: object

copy(**override_kwargs: Any) → qwikstart.base_context.ExecutionContext
dry_run: bool = False

Enable dry-run mode, which avoids changes to filesystem.

get_template_loader() → jinja2.loaders.BaseLoader
source_dir: Path = None

Source directory defining qwikstart task. Templates and other data files are relative to this location.

target_dir: Path = None

Target directory for qwikstart modifications. In practice, this will be set to the working directory by the CLI.